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English translation for "total returns"


Related Translations:
return:  vi.1.回转,回来,回去,返回,折回 ( to)。2.再来,又来;复发,回复,恢复。3.回头说正经话,回到本题,言归正传。4.送还,归还(原主)。5.回答,回嘴,回骂。 He has gone never to return. 他一去不回。 The property returned to the original owner. 财产已归还原主。 return to du
returned:  adj.被送回的;已归来的;已回国的。 returned empties 退回的空箱[空桶(等)];〔英谑〕归国牧师。 a returned overseas Chinese 归国华侨。
returns:  薄利多销返回粉末返回料回波回炉料回炉物回用料利润/收益/盈利退换商品退回;退出;报酬;税单退货赢利,利润
returning:  归去来兮
total return:  总回报
Example Sentences:
1.Earnings, or the total return to labor, are the sum of returns to raw labor and the returns to human capital .
2.Total return from bonds and other investments of hk 25 . 0 billion
3.Total return from bonds and other investments of hk 30 . 1 billion
4.Total return from bonds and other investments of hk 18 . 7 billion
5.A total return from bonds and other investments of hk 30 . 5 billion
6.The main driver of total returns is the income return of around 6 %
总回报的主要推动力是报税表的6 %左右。
7.Performance is calculated in base currency with nav to nav , total return with dividend reinvestment
8.Both the preliminary and realisation charges are waived to maximize investors total return on maturity
9.The top - down approach offers a systematic and structured way to analyse stocks . it advocates that the economy and effects are significant factors in determining the total return for stocks
10.We traveled a total return on the lijiang river , watching the scenery , along with the taste of the local flavor dishes , ordered a total review of the introduction of improved methods
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